PG County Snow and Ice Control FAQ
Find If Your Street is County-Maintained
Get A PG County Street Plowed

During the current Snow Emergency, snow-related calls to the Office of Emergency Preparedness at (301) 583-1899 are currently being referred to the Snow Information Center at (301) 350-0500 (so call this number directly), and after hours calls are automatically redirected there -- which is currently staffed by Fire Service officers. Unlike what that FAQ says about "assistance with transportation to medical appointments", those answering the phone recommend calling 911 (not them) for that. In any case, if you call either number, you may wait a long time for an answer during this snow emergency.

This is the county street plowing request form. There may be a better way to determine if your street is county-maintained and therefore eligible for county plowing, but i offer it here as an incremental solution.
  • Page 1 enter street name (without ST, PL, CT, etc)
  • Page 2 look in menu for full street name
  • Submit form only if you want your street to be plowed