H1N1 & Seasonal Flu Shot Clinics For ALL -- by ZipCode
- Maryland has made H1N1 (Swine) flu vaccine available to everyone who wants it. [BUT] Local Health Departments and health care providers will continue to focus on delivering vaccine to members of the five target populations. ... (more)
Prince George’s County Goes Into "Snow Mode"
LARGO, MD – Prince George’s County’s Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) crews go into full “snow mode” late tonight and will work 12-hour rotating shifts for as long as necessary to keep more than 1,821 miles (5,000+ lane miles) of county-maintained roadways clear of snow and ice to ensure the safety of residents, citizens, and other folks traveling through the county.
During each 12-hour rotating shift, more than 240 vehicles and 250 employees will be clearing Prince George’s County maintained roads. Command staff will work out of DPW&T’s TRIP Center located at 8414 D’Arcy Road, Forestville, MD, where photo/interview opportunities can be arranged on site or in the field prior to, during, and after the snow event. Visual opportunities range from loading trucks at the salt dome and plowing roads to a state of the art street monitoring center and command strategy room.
To assist road crews in keeping roadways clear, residents are requested to:
• Move and keep vehicles off snow emergency routes
• Park in driveways or other off-road locations wherever possible
• Park only on the even-numbered sides of streets
It also is important for single-family homeowners or renters and business proprietors to remember that they are responsible for:
• Removal of snow and/or ice from sidewalks abutting their homes or business establishments
As in all inclement weather conditions, citizens and residents are encouraged not to drive for their own safety, as well as that of emergency crews. Should drivers find it necessary to be on county roadways during or immediately after the storm event, they need to allow extra travel time and use extreme caution.
In addition to DPW&T staff, members of the department’s successful Community Partnering Program will report to DPW&T concerning roadway hazards or conditions within their communities. This allows crews to quickly redeploy where needed.
It should be noted that routes are prioritized for service into three categories: primary, secondary, and residential. Primary roads receive service first to ensure that public safety and other emergency vehicles are able to travel. After completion of these roads, secondary and residential roads receive service. Residents and citizens may contact the county’s Snow Information Center in the event of an emergency or to report concerns about roadway conditions by calling 301.350.0500.
Dec 15 1pm Police Satellite Station Grand Opening in Town Center Plaza
Please share this information widely within our community.
Rio Restaurant & Lounge Now Open
said that a Grand Opening is planned soon.
Thu Dec 3 at 1 PM COPS Coffee Club Town Center, South Laurel
Residents are welcome from throughout Prince George’s County Police District VI (map) and from City of Laurel. We discuss crime prevention and crime reporting issues of particular concern to participants, such as personal safety, home security, vehicle theft, theft from vehicles, consumer fraud, identify theft, and more.
The Coffee Club holds informal meetings at 1 pm on the first and third Thursdays each month, at various announced locations in Prince George's County Policed District VI and City of Laurel.
Please join us.
Nov 23 7pm Safe Shopper Program Martin Luther King MS
By following the tips below, you can outsmart criminals and limit the opportunity for you to become a victim of crime this holiday season.
- Carry your wallets in your front pocket as opposed to the back pocket
- Be aware of your surroundings when shopping in stores
- Carry cash/credit & debit cards deep in your pocket or in zipper pockets
- Do not leave your purse unattended in the shopping cart
- When in use, cover the account number on your credit/debit card with your hand and block the view when typing in your PIN
- Make sure you lock your car when exiting the vehicle
- Ensure your keys are accessible before exiting the store
- Look around the parking area before exiting the vehicle
- Lock the doors as soon as you enter the vehicle
- Do not stop and talk to strangers in a parking lot/deck
- Shop with a friend/family member - there is safety in numbers
- ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings.
Call 301-352-1200 for Non-emergencies needing a police officer to respond.
If you have information about recent crimes in Police District VI (Map), please contact the Prince George's County Police District VI Confidential Telephone Tip Line at (301) 931-3575 or by email to police_district6@co.pg.md.us
Thu Nov 19 1 PM COPS Seniors Coffee Club Phelps Senior Services Center
P.G. County Police Free Alert Messaging Service NIXEL
One Team. One Mission. Fight Crime.
The Prince George’s County Police Department is now offering immediate information to citizens through Nixle, a trusted web-based service for police departments and other government agencies.
Through Nixle, important neighborhood-level information is provided to residents in a standardized, secure and certified manner: via the web, email or mobile text message services (*). Nixel uses social networking technology similar to Twitter and Facebook.
To learn more about Nixle and to sign up to receive information from the Prince George’s County Police Department, through Nixle, regarding public safety matters in your community go to nixle.com
(*) Standard text messaging fees may apply, depending on your mobile phone service plan.
Powder Mill Road work: Beltsville Dr to Allview Dr until Summer
According to information received from a business near the construction area (who kindly provided this SHA Announcement) and my own observation this afternoon, apparently one or more lanes will be kept open during construction on that portion of Powder Mill Rd.
ROUTE 212 WIDENING: Work is scheduled to begin this week (Nov 9) on a $1.2M road widening project along a half mile of Route 212 on Powder Mill Road between Evans Trail Way/Allview Drive and Beltsville Drive in Beltsville.
Some Powder Mill Road lanes will be closed on weekdays between 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM and overnight Sundays through Thursdays from 9:00 PM to 500 AM. Construction is scheduled to last until next summer. (map) Dr. Gridlock, Washington Post Nov 8, 2009
(Thanks to Karen M.)
Nov 21 Dernoga Thanksgiving Party for Charities
Note from 2010 candidate for District 1 County Council Representative, Mary Lehman:
If you appreciate organizations that do the good but often thankless work in our communities that makes life better for the poor and homeless, here's a chance to honor them and educate yourself and your kids about their efforts. This is a FREE and wonderful pre-Thanksgiving event to remind us of what really matters, how to make a difference, and why we have so many reasons to be grateful for our own blessings. I will be there with my kids, and I hope you will, too
Fondly, Mary Lehman
Click image to enlarge.
Sat Nov 14 Free E-Cycling and Document Shredding Event 8 am - 1 pm
Saturday, November 14, 2009
"With identity theft and fraud crimes on the rise, this event provides our County citizens and residents an opportunity to safely dispose of their confidential documents," said, DER Director Charles W. Wilson. "In addition, citizens and residents can help the environment by dropping off their old, unwanted electronics equipment and televisions for recycling."
- Residents can bring up to five tall kitchen bags or five archive boxes filled with documents to be destroyed by mobile shredding trucks at the event.
- Acceptable items for e-Cycling include personal computer or component parts, inkjet and toner cartridges, mainframes, surge protectors, cell phones, laptop computers, computer mice, circuit boards, copiers, telephone systems, CD players, keyboards, computer speakers, fax machines, cable, radios and stereos, printers, scanners, pagers, VCRs and televisions.
For more information on the E-Cycling and Document Shredding Event or other recycling initiatives, call DER's Recycling Team at (301) 883- 5045
Muirkirk Rd Water Main Break Nov 5, 2009
Sometime before noon, Thursday, Nov 5, 2009 a water main broke in the middle of Muirkirk Rd inside Montpelier Hills, just east of Sea Pearl Ct. By 2 pm WSSC crews were digging up the road to begin to effect repairs. The two center lanes will probably be closed during repairs -- two-way traffic continues using the outer lanes. There are no flagmen. The second photo shows water coming out of a street light pole at the electrical connection box, so there may also be reduced street lighting tonight night and until repairs are completed. Even after utility trucks and equipment leave, caution should be exercised in the center lanes because in the past road repair crews have left dangerous, unfiilled excavations overnight in this area of Muirkirk Rd. See:
Aug 21, 2008 WSSC Water Line Break on Muirkirk
Jan 14, 2007 Citizens Mitigate Dangerous Excavation on Muirkirk
Nov 11 7 pm Climate Change Science Update - Greenbelt
Global Warming Science Update with
15 Crescent Road. Greenbelt, MD
Thu Nov 5 1-3 PM - First Seniors' Coffee Club
with PG District VI C.O.P.S.
Prince George's County Police District VI
Oct 18 Montpelier Arts Center 30-Year Gala
Montpelier Arts Center
- 30 Years of Art, 1979-2009
9652 Muirkirk Road Laurel, MD 20708 {MAP]
Rio Sports Bar Sign Says Coming Soon Now Hiring
Oct 15 County Citizens' Priorities Forum
- Economic Development Healthcare/Human Care Public Safety
- Education Housing Transportation
- Environment/Energy Local Government Funding Other
Oct 3 Homeless Resource Day Volunteers Needed

Dutch Country Market Now Open in South Laurel
New Laurel City Programs Include County Youth
Tue Sep 1, 7 pm - Swine Flu Public Health Meeting
Aug 19 7 pm Community Meeting Beltsville VFD
From: Dernoga, Thomas E.
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:41 AM
Subject: Statement on Fire Dept Staffing Changes - Notice of Community Meeting (BCA) on Aug 19th at 7pm at Beltsville VFD
Importance: High
Proposed Fire Station Staffing Changes
I am writing to address the recently announced staffing changes to fire stations in Beltsville/Calverton and other parts of the County that may affect public safety service. Like you, I found out about the changes on Monday from a Press Release and from News stories. Other Council members found out the same way. I do not believe that this is the way a public safety matter of this import should have been handled.
The Fire Department Press Release (LINK) stated the following:
The following Fire/EMS Stations will have adjustments made to their present staffing levels:
• Calverton Fire/EMS Station #841 - The staffing will be moved to provide additional staffing to the nearby Beltsville Fire/EMS Station #831. This will allow the same number of Fire/EMS personnel to run multiple units with sufficient staffing out of one station and reducing the need for overtime when someone takes off on leave. Calverton Fire/EMS Station #841’s central focus will be running the Hazardous Materials resources currently assigned there.
Also impacted are: the Chillum Fire/EMS Station, the Capitol Heights Fire/EMS Station and the Riverdale Heights Fire/EMS Station.
Fortunately, on Monday I was able to speak with the Beltsville VFD leadership and then with Fire Chief Eugene Jones. I also spoke with the leadership of the Prince George’s County Volunteer Fire & Rescue Assn. After speaking with Fire Chief Jones and with the Beltsville VFD leadership, the Fire Chief was agreeable to finding a compromise with the Volunteers. The Beltsville VFD worked out a reasonable compromise - not that they are pleased with it - and both stations will stay open.
No one liked the original proposal (above) and people have been very unhappy with how it has been implemented. The compromise will force the Beltsville VFD volunteers to pick up even more responsibility. They will do an exemplary job, but it will be a strain.
The impetus is simple economics – the Fire Chief (who is new) has been budgeting almost no overtime to spend. In the past, the Fire Department has been poorly managed with a limitless amount of overtime in order to keep career staff on the job in every station. The County government has grown accustomed to keeping everyone in the Stations; however, this staffing was based heavily on overtime. At least, at this point, while there are still problems to address, the compromise position is more acceptable than the Chief’s proposal.
Finally, I have worked with Karen Coakley, President of the Beltsville Citizens Association, to arrange a special Association meeting so that Fire Chief Jones can explain the situation and the reasons behind his decisions.
The special meeting will be on August 19th at 7pm at the Beltsville VFD station (4911 Prince Georges Ave, Beltsville, MD). ALL are invited to attend. It is important for Fire Chief Jones to hear the concerns and for you to hear what he has to say.
I will be there to hear the citizens and then we will see what options there are. If you have questions that you would like to present in advance, please for it to me or to my Aide, Judy Thacher.
Tom Dernoga, Vice Chair
Prince George's County Council
Rio Sports Bar & Grille Liquor License - Updates
Residents, county plan close watch of Rio: Restaurant's new owner will face 6-month review
- PG County District 1 Councilman Dernoga (and aid Thacher) and by letter.
- MD District 23/A Senator Peters (and for Delegates Levi & Hubbard) and by delegation letter
- MD District 21 Senator Rosapepe (and for Delegates Frush, Pena-Melnyk, and Barnes) and by delegation letter.
- By letter from City of Laurel Mayor Moe.
- PG Police District VI Acting Comander & Community Response Team testimony regarding incident history at the Rio Sports Bar location before and after Rio opened in 2006 through present.
Need You to attend Liquor Board Hearing 10 am Tues Jul 28
Testify or simply attend to be counted For or Opposed
The Liquor Board hearing room address is below.
As you may know, recently a new owner planned to reopen the violence/shooting plagued J's Cafe location with a new bar, Sweet Moon Grille, in Crystal Plaza (near the post office). The new owner ran a well-documented violent establishment in Arlington, VA, so residents, community associations, and churches in South Laurel and Beltsville protested with letters and petitions, resulting in withdrawal of that liquor license application, which forced the new owner to abandon the lease. (Sweet Moon Grill history)
Nearby Rio Sports Bar & Grille has been bought by Mr. Tak Yoon (believed to be associated with Rio Bravo in Langley Park and Galaxy II in Silver Spring), who plans to reopen Rio Sports Bar (which is closed for the past 6 months due to lawsuits among current owner Mr. Sung H. Lee and his partners). Mr. Tak Yoon has applied to have the current liquor license transfered to him from Mr. Sung H. Lee.
The Rio Sports Bar location has a long history of violence, shooting and violations (Dinosaurs, Club Amazon, Rio Sports Bar).
Please consider reading this example opposition letter (now revised so you can print, fill-in the blanks and sign it for fax or delivery -- you can also edit that letter file) and consider sending a letter to the Liquor Board expressing your own views. The example letter details specific existing restrictions (*) and requested new restrictions on that liquor license that many community representatives, including our elected representatives have agreed are necessary to try to ensue safe operation of Rio Sports Bar & Grille as a genuine "family friendly sit down restaurant" which the Liquor Board has already twice ordered be a condition on this license. Local representatives' letters are forthcoming. Please feel free to adopt, adapt, modify or ignore parts or all of the example letter, which is provided only as convenient information and inspiration for writing your own letter. (*) The existing restrictions are the restrictions that were requested by City of Laurel in this Sep 25, 2006 letter to the Liquor Board.
Prince Geoge's County
Board of License Commissioners - Liquor Board
Chairman Franklin D. Jackson
County Service Building
5012 Rhode Island Avenue - Room 204
Hyattsville, Maryland 20781
Phone: (301) 699-2770
Fax: (301) 985-3548
Email: DMBryant@co.pg.md.us
Letters can be sent by email, fax, or hand delivered, but petitions must be hand delivered, because we understand they need the original signatures. (too late for mail)
Try to put at least 3 signatures on each page, preferably 5 -- not just one or two per page -- unless really unavoidable. This helps get all our petitions properly vetted by the Liquor Board.
Please turn in all petitions directly to the Liquor Board by Noon Monday July 27 or to a petition collector who can deliver them.
But this is one exercise in democracy which our local community has proven time and time again does work for us residents if we participate,
July 24 Meet MD Delegations & Governor
Directions: Granville Gude Park is located at 8300 Mulberry Street, on the west side of Rt. 1, behind the Comfort Suites Hotel, north of Laurel Lakes Shopping Center. Parking is also available on Mulberry St.
New Laurel-Area Youth/Teen Gaming Lounge
PG Animal Management Facility Has Moved
Tues June 30 Rich Findley Family Fundraiser

Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 11:58 AM
Subject: [PGCP-D6CAC] Rich Findley Fundraiser.....
July 1 PG Liquor Board Hearing on Rule Changes
Police Sgt. Findley's Widow Video Interview
May 28 6:30pm PG Zoning Rules Major Changes
See the Project Home Page for details, schedules, documents and updates.
May 21 & Monthly P.G. Police Narcotics Trainings
Narcotic Enforcement Division
Information Sharing Training
Potential Harm to Drug Users and the Community.
Overview: This training will provide an understanding of any and all potential harms associated to a drug user.
Date: Thursday, May 21, 2009
Time: 2000 hours
Location: Prince George’s County Police Academy 4380 Forbes Boulevard Lanham, Maryland 20706
The Narcotic Enforcement Division will be providing training sessions every third (3rd) Thursday of the month on various narcotic topics. Please feel free to attend any training session.
For more information or to attend a training session, please contact:
Ms. Lumpkin at 301.883.6800
South Laurel Area Schools Flu Closings / Reopening
Montpelier, University Park, and Vansville Elementary Schools will reopen May 6. Classes will follow normal schedule.
May 5 Update:
Vansville ES Closing Up to 2 Weeks
May 2 Update:
University Park ES Closed Up to 2 Weeks
May 1:
According to the Prince George's County School Board web site...
"Friday, May 1, 2009 - Montpelier Elementary School in Laurel will be closed for a minimum of 14 days beginning Monday, May 4, 2009, as Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) follows Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance regarding its first “probable” [unconfirmed] case of a child with the H1N1 virus. If parents have concerns about a child’s health, they should contact their physician or the Prince George’s County Health Department at 301-583-3750."
For additional information from PGCPS see the school district home page article Keeping You Informed and Updated About H1N1 Flu Situation
(301) 583-3100 or 1-866-952-7426
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Watch this page for any further updates.
MAC Folk & Blues Concerts in May
Friday, May 1, 8 pm, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer
These Grammy Award-winning artists are musical treasures whose folk, country and family music have an international following. www.cathymarcy.com Tickets are still available $20.
Friday, May 8, 8 pm, The Savoy-Doucet Cajun Band*
Marc and Ann Savoy, along with Michael Doucet create and interpret authentic old-time Cajun music, from popular dancehall tunes to soulful ballads, drawing upon each member’s rich historical connection to their native southern Louisiana.
Friday, May 15, 8pm, Gordon Bok SOLD OUT
Back by popular demand, Bok’s sings ballads from Maine and the Maritimes both traditional and his own. www.gordonbok.com
Friday, May 22, 8 pm, Tinsmith
Tinsmith, a high-energy folk band, plays traditional music from Ireland, Scotland and Appalachia with influences from blues, bluegrass, funk, jazz and mountain music. www.tinsmith.net
Friday, May 29 8 pm, Sharron Kraus
British folk artist, Sharron Kraus, is a singer/musician/songwriter with roots in the folk traditions of England and Appalachia who sings the tales of a traveler while playing haunting banjo and fine acoustic guitar. www.sharronkraus.com
Friday, June 5, 8 pm, Robin and Linda Williams
Returning to Montpelier, the Williams’ are well-known from their appearances on A Prairie Home Companion. They have explored the roots of American folk music and brought their own lively wit and memorable melodies to the tradition. www.robinandlinda.com
Saturday, May 2, 10am- 4pm is The Montpelier Festival of Herbs, Tea and the Arts
This year’s festival features teas and performances from China: Chinese storyteller; the dragon dance; and Chinese folk music. Also, enjoy spring plants, watch art demonstrations from papermaking to raku firing of ceramics; and visit artist studios. Events and activities for children to adults held on the grounds of the Montpelier Mansion and in the Montpelier Arts Center.
Apr 30 6:30 pm Poetry Reading Montpelier Arts Center

Dolores Kendrick
Poet Laureate of Washington, DC
Lyrikal Storm
Prince George’s County
Performance by
Ottley Music School
Thursday, April 30, 2009
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Montpelier Arts Center
9652 Muirkirk Road
Laurel, Maryland 20708
(301) 277-1402 or by email at elewis@artspg.org
Baltimore –Washington Parkway to Laurel-Bowie Road (Route 197).
North toward Laurel on Route 197 to Crystal Plaza shopping Center –