April 2 P.G.Transportation Planning Meeting

April 2, 2008
6:30–9:00 p.m.
Eleanor Roosevelt H. S. Cafeteria
7601 Hanover Parkway
Greenbelt, Maryland

Transportation affects us all. Come, learn, and share your ideas and questions.
⇒ What strategies should be recommended to improve accessibility to transit?
⇒ What types of communities should transit be serving?
⇒ What is the process for funding roadway, transit, and bikeway improvements?
⇒ If we build it (a multimodal, convenient, bike- and pedestrian-friendly transportation network
focused on transit-oriented, mixed-use development) will you come?
⇒ How and where should the Purple Line be extended beyond New Carrollton?
⇒ What are your ideas for trail connections to schools, parks, and other destinations?
⇒ How will this plan help me in my work commute? What are some future options for me?
⇒ Will I be able to ride my bike to National Harbor? … or rail over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge?

Informational Flyer With Directions to This Event

Additional Information at M-NCPPC